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Orville’s Kernels of Wisdom


Updated: Oct 28, 2020

PNR President Sets Club’s Goals for 2020-21

The first month of our 2020-21 Rotary year flew by. The Demotion Party for Tami was a huge success, thanks to the planning committee, and it was a springboard into our new year. Tami did a fantastic job this last year directing our club resulting in so many accomplishments.

Our Zoom meetings have been well-attended in July with some great speakers provided by Ron Sutton, our program chair. We encourage all who attend to immediately respond to a quick, two-question, speaker questionnaire giving valuable feedback to Ron and his committee. Also, feel free to call Ron with any of your ideas for a good topic or speaker. Good speakers and subjects are of utmost importance in maintaining good attendance this year since we are unable to meet in person.

While attending PETS (President Elect Training) in February with other president elects, I set goals and made plans for the coming Rotary year. Many of these ideas cannot be carried out due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Nevertheless, we will go forward in positive ways to best achieve successes in providing service to our community. We have already pooled our allotted District Designated Funds (DDF) with the other local Rotary clubs in our District 4. They were matched by Rotary International Global Grants to bring $96,850 back into our community to help fight the COVID-19 virus. Final approval was received July 14th with the funds now in our District 4 possession for distribution to AXIS Community Health, Eden Medical Center and Asian Health Services for purchase of medical equipment and supplies.

By the time this newsletter is published, we will have completed a fun hands-on community service project at Sunflower Hill Gardens at Hagemann Ranch in Livermore. PNR crews will visit the facility Aug. 8 and Aug. 11, to create an outdoor instructional space with a shade trellis and climbing plants. Other plans are in the works for many community projects this year, thanks to the great efforts of Darcy DeCoite. You will know us from our new blue “Rotarians at Work” tee shirts!

We have also set goals with our District 5170. We hope to maintain our membership number at 59, which was our count on July 1. This will be a challenge for all of us to maintain. We must get all our members involved in club activities and committees and make newer members feel needed and welcomed. Finding new members will be a difficult especially with not having in-person meetings for some time. Our Foundation Annual Giving Goal is set at $12,000, which Phil Stone, our Foundation Chair, will be addressing in November and a Polio Plus goal of $2,000 to take place in the spring.

I look forward to working with each of you to make this a rewarding and FUN Rotary year!

Your leader,

Orville Redenbacher

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