Pleasanton North Rotary’s three newest Students of the Month from Foothill High School have displayed the necessary maturity and commitment to learning to enable their teachers, fellow students, and themselves to overcome the challenges of Zoom learning.
“We are very fortunate to having fantastic students at Foothill,” noted Principal Sebastian Bull during ceremonies at PNR’s April 23rd meeting. “Our students of the month are the cream of the crop. They are all phenomenal students.”
Lauren Swenson-Lennon was nominated by English Teacher Donna DeGlobbi for her total commitment to every assignment. She helped support her instructor’s efforts by always keeping her computer’s camera on during Zoom sessions. “I believe Lauren realized how important it was for me to connect with my students face-to-face,” DeGlobbi wrote in her nomination paper.
As president of Foothill’s Black Student Union, Oluwashikemi “Shikemi” Odusan reached out to encourage Black students to become more involved in Foothill High activities. Shikemi worked with Parent Liaison Tonya Bass for the past two years to help student union members to appreciate the merits of participation in school activities and campus life.
Allie O’Brian earned her nomination from Rochelle Morris, Ph.D., for how she brightens up her first period chemistry Zoom classes. Morris looked to O’Brian for feedback to help refine her Zoom lessons, which are prepared in the afternoon and premiered the next day for her first period class. “She is the student I looked to because I know she’s always listening and attentive,” Morris said.
Each honoree was awarded a PNR Student of the Month certificate and $50 cash prize. In addition, PNR Youth Services Chair Kevin Greenlee encouraged all three to also consider applying for one of the club’s three annual memorial scholarships. Each provides the recipient with $1000 to help finance their college or technical school education.